
Center Of It All Song Lesson

Artist: Desperation Band

Tempo: Up

Song Key: G

No lack of lead work here. It's simple to play but there is a lot to do. Acoustic gets to play a background picking role.

Awesome grooves with some great parts.

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Center Of It All Chords


C My heart thirsts for D You aloneEm My heart thirsts forG You alone C My heart thirsts for D You aEmlone G


If I have YCou and nothing Emelse I have eDverything G/B If I have eCverything but YEmou I have nDothing G/B
I’m letting Cgo D I’m letting Emgo of Gme I’m taking hCold D of YGou
I’m losing mysCelf and finding EmYou all I ever Dneed You are my liCfe every bEmreath You satisDfy me
I’m letting Cgo D I’m letting Emgo of Gme I’m taking hCold D of YGou


You are the cCenter of it Gall You are the SEmavior of my sDoul
You are the sCource of life how could EmI not cry LoDrd
You are the hoCpe of greatest pGrice Jesus aEmlone be lifted hDigh
You are the soCurce of life You’re the cEmenter of it allD


You are the fiCrst and You’re the Emlast You are evDerything I count it all loCss for without EmYou I am nDothing
I’m letting Cgo D I’m letting Emgo of Gme I’m taking hCold D of YGou



C My heart thirsts for D You aloneEm My heart thirsts for G You alone C My heart thirsts for D You aEmlone G
C My eyes look to YDou and only You Em My soul longs for YGou and only You
C My heart thirsts for D You aEmlone G



You are the sCource of life You’re the ceGnter of it Dall You are the souCrce of life You’re the cGenter of it Dall

INTRO (2x) end on Em

Center Of It All | Desperation Band

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