
That's My King Song Lesson

Artist: CeCe Winans

Song Key: Ab

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That's My King Chords

I wish I could tAbell you wish I could descGbribe it But I can't contDbain can't it keep it to myAbself
There aren't enough cAbolors to paint the whole piGbcture not enough wDbords to ever say what I've foAbund


WAbonderful and beautiful and glGborious and holy He is mAberciful and powerful WGbho we talking about

Chorus 1

That's my KiAbng GbWe declare the glory GDb/Five Him all the hDbonor
Ab AlGbtogether worthy WDb/Fho we talking aEbout
That's my KAbing GbThere's no one before You YDb/Fes we will adDbore you
Ab AGbll of this is for You WDb/Fho talking abEout that's my KAbing


Ab/ / / / Gb/ Db/ / / Ab/ / Gb+ / / Db/ / / /

I'm not letting the rAbocks cry without joining the cGbhorus there aren't enough nDbotes to make the harmoAbny
It's the song of the aAbngels through all of the aGbges It's all of eDbarth and heaven's symphoAbny

Prechorus / Chorus 1 / Refrain

That's my KAbing That's my GGbod That's my ShDb/Fepherd my ProtEector
That's my KAbing That's my RGbock That's my aDb/Fnchor My DefDbender B/Eb E Gb
That's my KAbing That's my GGbod That's my ShDb/Fepherd my ProtEector
That's my KAbing That's my RGbock That's my aDb/Fnchor My DefEender Who we talking about?

Chorus 2

That's my King We declare the glory Give Him all the honor Altogether worthy Who we talking about

Tag (2x)

WAbho we talking abGbout? That's my King WDb/Fho we talking abEout? That's my King
WAbho we talking abGbout? That's my King WDb/Fho we talking abEout? That's my King

That's My King | CeCe Winans

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