
Sound Of The Saints Song Lesson

Artist: Audio Adrenaline

Tempo: Up

Song Key: B♭

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Sound Of The Saints Chords

(Capo on 3)

Sound Of The Saints


O I loBbve to hear the song of creation The Ebwind and the rhFythm of theBb rain
Oh the Gmthunder it speaks of Your Ebpower but there’s Ebsomething in the sFound of the saBbints
I’ve been wBbashed in the roar of the ocean found pEbeace in the Fechoes of a Bbcave
And theGm trees of the field they Ebclap their hands but there’s sEbomething in the soFund of the Bbsaints
From the Eblips of thFose You sBbaved a redEbemption sFong will Bbrise
With a Ebsound so Ffull it cGmracks the skies


WhEboa We sing halleBblujah WEbhoa we sing aBbmen
Hear the sEbound of the saints as we mBbarch onto Zion singing
GmAlle - luFjah aEbmen Singing Gm Alle lFuia aBbmen


I will Bbhear the chorus of the angels FoEbrever a sFymphony of Bbpraise
I Gmlong to hear the voice of my SEbavior and He hEbears us the soFund of the Bbsaints
From the Eblips of thFose You sBbaved a redEbemption sFong will Bbrise
Every toEbngue every triFbe Hear the cGmhurch Your bride



Cm Eb


Our hBbearts will rise our song shall be JCmesus Christ our Savior King fEborever
Our hBbearts will rise the saints will sing of CmJesus Christ our Savior King Ebforever forever


WhEboa We sing halleBblujah WEbhoa we sing aBbmen
Hear the sEbound of the saints as we mBbarch onto Zion singing
Gm Alle - luFjah aEbmen Singing Gm Alle - luFjah aEbmen GmSinging Alle lFuia aBbmen

Sound Of The Saints | Audio Adrenaline

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KEY B♭ BPM 121
KEY B♭ BPM 121
Guitar Notation
Bass Notation
Drum Notation
Keyboard Notation