
Plead The Blood Song Lesson

Artist: Chris Davenport

Song Key: C

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Plead The Blood Chords


G/ / / G/B/ / / C/ / / / / / G/B/ / / D/ / / C/ / / / / /

Verse 1

HGere and now I draw a bCoundary agEmainst every weapon that's forDmed
The tGhief and his plans will pass oCver when hEme sees the red on the dDoor
I plead the b(G)lood


G/ / / G/B/ / / C/ / / / / / G/B/ / / D/ / / C/ / / / / /

Verse 2

The eGnemy can't take my fCamily cause tEmhis home belongs to the LDord
So IG'm not afraid to rCemind him hEme has no claim on tDhis for I plead the blood

Chorus 1 (2x)

I plead the blGood G/B C I plead the bG/Blood of JDesus C

Verse 3

Cause my fGuture is glory to gClory and my fEmreedom's been purchased in fDull
For aGll of the weight of His sCuffering the LEmamb will receive His rewDard

Chorus 2

I plead the blGood G/B C I plead the bG/Blood of JDesus C
It's more than eGough G/B C I plead the bG/Blood of JDesus C
My shield and my sEmhelter It's my defDense I claim it oG/Bver and over agCain
I plead the blGood G/B C I plead the bG/Blood of JDesus C

Instrumental (2x)

Em/ / / / / / D/ / / / / / G/B/ / / / / / C/ / / / / /


WEmhat can wash aDway my sin nG/Bothing but the blood nCothing but the blood
WEmhat can make me wDhole again nG/Bothing but the blood nCothing but the blood
NEmothing can for sDin atone nG/Bothing but the blood nCothing but the blood
NEmothing good that DI have done nG/Bothing but the blood nCothing but the blood
TEmhis is all my hDope and peace nG/Bothing but the blood nCothing but the blood
FEmor my future tDhis I plea NG/Bothing but the blood C

Chorus 2 / Intro (2x)

Plead The Blood | Chris Davenport

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