
O Holy Night Song Lesson

Artist: Chris Tomlin

Tempo: Down

Song Key: C

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O Holy Night Chords

INTRO (2x)

C Dm7 Am7


CO holy night the stFars are brightly sAm7hining it is the niFght of our Dm7dear Savior’s biCrth Csus C
LCong lay the world in sFin and error Am7pining ‘til he apEmpeared and the sBoul felt its Emworth
A thGrill of hope the wCeary world reCsus - joi - cCes for yGonder breaks a nCew and glorious morn G/B
Am7Fall on your kEmnees O Dm7hear the angel Am7voices O CnighGt divC/Eine F O niCght G when Christ was bCorn
O nGightG/F divCine F O nigCht G O night divCine

INTRO (2x)


TCruly He taught us to loFve one aAm7nother His law is loFve and His Dm7gospel is pCeace Csus C
ChCains shall He C/Ebreak for the slFave is our Am7brother and in His Emname all oppBression shall cEmease
Sweet hyGmns of joy in grCateful chorus Csusraise wCe with Gall our hearts we prCaise His holy naG/Bme
Am7Christ is the EmLord O pDm7raise His name forAm7 - e - veG/Br His poCwer G and Am7glory F evCer G more proclCaim
His pGoweG/Fr and glCory C/E F eCver mGore proclaCim


AmFall on your kEmnees O Dm7hear the angel Am7voices G/B O CnighGt diAm7vine F O nigCht G when Christ was bCorn
O nGightG/F diviCne C/E F O niCght G O night divine


C Dm7 Am7 C Dm7 Am7 C Dm7 Am7 F C

O Holy Night | Chris Tomlin

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