
Only A Holy God Song Lesson

Artist: Here Be Lions

Song Key: A

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Only A Holy God Chords

(Capo on 2)


F#m/ / / A/ / / D/ / / A/ / / / / /
F#m/ / / A/ / / D/ / / A/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Verse 1

F#mWho else commAands all the Dhost of heAaven F#mWho else can Amake every kDing bow doAwn
F#mWho else can whAisper and daDrkness treAmbles DOnly a Eholy GoAd
F#mWhat other bAeauty demDands such prAaises WF#mhat other sAplendor ouDtshines the sAun
F#mWhat other mAajestiy roDlls with juAstice ODnly a hEoly GAod


F#mCome and behDold Him the OAne and the oEnly
F#mCry out sing hDoly FoA/C#rever a hEoly F#mGod Come and wDorship a Eholy Go(Em)d

Intro 2 (2x)

F#m/ / / A/ / / D/ / / A/ / / / / /

Verse 2

F#mWhat other gAlory consDumes like fAire F#mWhat other pAower can raDise the deAad
F#mWhat other nAame remains DundefeatAed ODnly a hEoly GAod

Chorus 2

F#mCome and behDold Him the OAne and the oEnly
F#mCry out sing hDoly FoA/C#rever a hEoly F#mGod Come and wDorship a Eholy GoAd

Chorus 1


F#m/ / / A/ / / D/ / / A/ / / / / / (x)
D/ / / E/ / / A/ / / / / / / / / / / /

Verse 3

F#mWho else could rAescue me frF#mom my faAilure WF#mho else would oAffer His F#monly soAn
F#mWho else invAites me to F#mcall Him fAather ODnly a hEoly GAod ODnly a hEoly GAod

Chorus 2 / Chorus 1

Chorus Tag

Come and wDorship a Eholy Go(Em)d


Only A Holy God | Here Be Lions

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