
Christ Our Hope In Life And Death Song Lesson

Artist: Keith and Kristyn Getty

Song Key: F

So. Many. Changes.

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Christ Our Hope In Life And Death Chords

(Capo on 3)

What is our Fhope in Clife and dFeath? CBbhrist aloFne DmChrist alCone
What is our Fonly cConfidencDme? BbThat our soFuls to CHim belFong
Who holds our Amdays within His Dmhand? What comes aGmpart from F/AHis commBband
And what will Fkeep us C/Eto the Dmend ? The Bblove of FChrist in Cwhich we Fstand

O Dmsing C hBballelFujah our C/Ehope springs etDmernal
F/AO sBbing hallF/Aelujah Bbnow and F/Aever Cwe confBbess Christ our Dmhope in Clife and Fdeath

What truth can Fcalm the tCroubled sFoul? BbGod is goFod GDmod is gCood
Where is His Fgrace and gCoodness kDmnown? BbIn our gFreat RedeCemer's bFlood
Who holds our Amfaith when fears aDmrise? Who stands Gmabove the F/Astormy Bbtrial
Who sends the Fwaves that C/Ebring us Dmnigh unBbto the sFhore the Crock fo CFhrist

Unto the Fgrave what Cshall we sFing? BbChrist He Flives BbChrist He Clives
And what Freward will Cheaven bDmring? BbEverlaFsting lCife with HFim
Then we will Amrise to meet the DmLord then sin and Gmdeath will F/Abe destBbroyed
And we will Ffeast in Db(b5)endless Dmjoy when BbChrist is Fours forCevermoFre

O Dmsing C hBballelFu Gm F/Ajah our Chope Dm sC/Eprings etDmernal
F/AO sBbing hallF/Aelujah Bbnow and F/Aever Cwe confBbess Christ our Dmhope in Clife and Bbdeath
Bbnow and Fever F/Awe confBbess Christ our Dmhope in C/Elife and Bbdeath

Christ Our Hope In Life And Death | Keith and Kristyn Getty

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