
Canvas and Clay Song Lesson

Artist: Pat Barrett

Song Key: B

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Canvas and Clay Chords

(Capo on 4)

Intro (2x)

E/ / B/ / Abm/ / Gb/ /

Verse 1

In my Emother's wBomb You foAbmrmed me with Your hGbands
Known and Eloved by YBou beAbmfore I took a brGbeath
When I Dbmdoubt it Lord rB/Ebemind me how I'm wEonderfully made
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the cDbmanvas and the clBay


You make Eall things work toGbgether for my Abmfuture and Bfor my good
You make Eall things work toGbgether for Your gAbmlory and fBor Your name


Verse 2

There's a Ehealing liBght Abmjust beyond the clGbouds
Though I've wEalked through fBire AbmI see clearly nGbow
I know Dbmnothing has been B/Ebwasted no Efailure nor mistake
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the Dbmcanvas and the Bclay


Instrumental (2x)

Abm/ / Gb/ / E/ / B/ /


When I Abmdoubt it Lord reGbmind me how I'm Ewonderfully mBade
You're an Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the Ecanvas and the Bclay
I know Abmnothing has been wGbasted no fEailure nor mB/Ebistake
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the cEanvas and the cBlay


Bridge 2

When I Abmdoubt it Lord reGbmind me how I'm Ewonderfully mBade
You're an Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the Ecanvas and the Bclay
I know Abmnothing has been wGbasted no fEailure nor mBistake
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the cEanvas and the cB/Eb]lay
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the cEanvas and the cBlay
You're and Abmartist and a Gbpotter I'm the cEanvas and the cBlay

Canvas and Clay | Pat Barrett

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