
Oh But God Song Lesson

Artist: The Worship Initiative

Song Key: B

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Oh But God Chords

Verse 1

I was bBuried beneath my rebellion lG#most without hope of redemption
BF#lind to my need for a SEavior Oh but GBod
CBrushed by the weight of my failure LG#miving the lie I created
DF#igging my grave without kEnowing Oh but GBod Oh but GF#od

Chorus 1

REich in mercy hBow You love me tG#moo much to let me stay lF#ost
MEy salvation sBent from heaven nG#mailing my sin to a cF#ross OEh but GBod

Verse 2

You gBave me a truth worth believing I trG#maded my chains for a freedom
YF#ou were the One that I nEeeded Oh but GBod
ResuBrrected my heart from the ruins MG#my rescue came through like the morning
TF#his is my sure teEstimony Oh but GBod Oh but GF#od

Bridge (2x)

And aC#mll the wrecB/D#kage oEf my choices YBou have turned to liF#fe from ashes
LiC#mfted from dB/D#eath rEisen with Him nBow I stand in cF#onfidence

Chorus 2

REich in mercy hBow You love me tG#moo much to let me stay lF#ost
MEy salvation sBent from heaven nG#mailing my sin to a cF#ross

Chorus 1


EOh but GBod EOh but GBod EOh but GBod

Oh But God | The Worship Initiative

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