Song Lessons for "Vertical Worship"


Tempo: Up

Song Key: D

Open Up The Heavens

Artist: Vertical Worship

Love the groove and it's a great opening set song.

This whole tune is built on 16th's.

Great opening intro riff.

Time to rock the B3!


Tempo: Up

Song Key: C

Found In You

Artist: Vertical Worship


Tempo: Medium

Song Key: B

Exalted Over All

Artist: Vertical Worship


Tempo: Medium

Song Key: B

Lamb Of God

Artist: Vertical Worship


Song Key: B

Faithful Now

Artist: Vertical Worship

Fun grooves!

Great Groove.

Nice follow line on the keys.


Tempo: Down

Song Key: D

Restore My Soul

Artist: Vertical Worship


Tempo: Down

Song Key: D

Spirit Of The Living God

Artist: Vertical Worship

We added a tasteful acoustic part and really worked the dynamics

Fun tune with a great vibe!

5 string joy. If you have a 4 you can rock it too.

Simplicity is beautiful.


Tempo: Up

Song Key: G

1000 Tongues

Artist: Vertical Worship


Song Key: C

Yes I Will

Artist: Vertical Worship

This one's a handful but there are some simplification options.

Such a good song!! Hang on that tom break is coming.

Great Groove! Works so great with the kick drum.

Pretty simple. Let the guitars do all the work for once.