
Jesus Over Everything Song Lesson

Artist: The Belonging Co

Song Key: A♭

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Jesus Over Everything Chords

(Capo on 1)


Fm/ / / / Eb/G/ / Ab/ / Db/ / / / / / Eb/ /

Verse 1

He came from Fmglory took on Eb/Gflesh to save the Ablost
Grace and Dbmercy displayed upon the Ebcross
Our Fmredemption He's the Eb/Ghope for all Abmankind
One Dbname over EbeverytFmhing One Dbname over EbeverytAbhing

Chorus 1

JAbesus Bbmo - Ab/Cver DbeverytAbhing He Dbreigns forFmeverEbmore
Our Fmsong for Eb/Gall Abe - Dbternit - Ab/Cy DbJesus EbChrist is AbLord (Gsus) (G)

Verse 2

Who can Fmrival our Eb/Gresurrected AbKing
In one Dbmoment He brought Db/Fdeath to its Ebknees
All the Fmpower and Eb/Gall authorAbity
To one Dbname over EbeveryFmthing Yes one Dbname over EbeverytAbhing

Chorus 1


Over Ebfear over Fmshame over Dball anxAbiety over Ebtroubles and all Fmpain over Dbsickness and Abdisease
For He Fmreigns on the throne all Dbpraise to Him aAblone One Dbname over EbeveryAbthing
Over Ebdeath and all Fmsin over Dbhell over the Abgrave darkness Ebbows and demons Fmflee at the Dbmention of His Abname
FAbor Eb/GHe Fmreigns on the throne all Dbpraise to Him aAblone One Dbname over EbeveryAbthing Absus

Chorus 1

Chorus 2

JAbesus Bbmo - Ab/Cver DbeverytAbhing He Dbreigns forFmeverEbmore
Our Fmsong for Eb/Gall Abe - Dbternit - Ab/Cy DbJesus EbChrist is FmLord Ab/C
JDbesus EbChrist is AbLord

Jesus Over Everything | The Belonging Co

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