
Jehovah Song Lesson

Artist: Elevation Worship

Song Key: D♭

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Jehovah Chords

(Capo on 1)

Verse 1

He sDbhames every idol He reigns without rival HBbme goes by the name oGbf JehDbovah JehAbovah
He sDbpeaks into nothing and darkness goes running HBbme goes by the nGbame of JDbehovah JeAbhovah


CDball the name cGball the name cDball the nBbmame JeGbhovah
ADbll our praise aGbll our praise aDbll our praise bBbmelongGbs to Him

Turnaround (2x)

Db/ / / / Gb/ / / /

Verse 2

His fDboes will be silenceDbsusd He's fDbighting for ZDbsusion TBbmhere's no other God lGbike JehDbovah JehAbovah
His aDbrm never tirDbsuses His eDbyes are like fDbsusire TBbmhere's no other GGbod like JehDbovah JehAbovah

Chorus (2x)

Bridge 1

JDbehovah-Nissi fDbsusight your battles (x)

Bridge 2

JDbehovah Nissi fDbsusight your battles JDbehovah Jireh mDbsuseet your need
JDbehovah Rapha hDbsuseal Your body JDbehovah Shalom bDbsuse your peace

Bridge 3

JDb/Fehovah Nissi fGbight your battles JAb ehovah Jireh mGb/Bb eet your need
JDb/Fehovah Rapha hGbeal Your body JAbehovah Shalom bGb/Bbe your peace
JDb/Fehovah Nissi fGbight your battles JAb ehovah Jireh mGb/Bb eet your need
JDb/Fehovah Rapha hGbeal Your body JAbehovah Shalom be your peace

Chorus (2x) / Bridge 3 / Turn Around

Jehovah | Elevation Worship

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KEY D♭ BPM 100
KEY D♭ BPM 100
Guitar Notation
Bass Notation
Drum Notation
Keyboard Notation