
Calvary's Enough Song Lesson

Artist: Passion

Song Key: E

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Calvary's Enough Chords


E/ / / / F#m/ / / / A/ / C#m/ / B/ / / /

Verse 1

I resolve to kEnow nothing but You crF#mucified
Somehow in this rAoom right nC#mow it is enBough
The weight of the wC#morld too much for the sB/D#ouls of men
But somehow You hE/G#old it aAll up on the cBross

Chorus 1

CEal - var - F#my's enoEugh CC#mal - var - F#y's enoBugh
WAhen I know noE/G#thing When F#mI know too mBuch
What I cC#mhoose to kBnow right nF#mow is CaBlvary's enEough

Verse 2

You resolved to dEie scarlet flowing frF#mom Your hands and side
Covenant is seAaled and raC#mtified You knew the coBst
As the dEarkness fell and the temple cF#murtain tore
The death I desC#merved You made YAours up on the cBross

Chorus 2

CEal - var - F#my's enoEugh CC#mal - var - F#y's enoBugh
GAod I know noE/G#thing but F#mI know this mBuch


YC#mour blood has spAoken it sBhouts from the crEoss
TC#mhe world is bAroken but Ball is not lEost B/D#
BC#mecause of JAesus and aF#/A#ll You have dBone
OAh CE/G#alvarC#my it's mBore than enEough

GF#mod I know noE/G#thing but F#mI know this mBuch
OAh CE/G#al - var - C#my is alBways enEough

Calvary's Enough | Passion

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