
No Body Song Lesson

Artist: Passion

Song Key: E

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No Body Chords

Intro (2x)

E/G#/ [E/ / / E/G#/ E/ / / B/ C#m/ / / B/D#/ E/ / /

Verse 1

BeE/G#hold the LAamb uE/G#pon the cAross
Who tBakes aC#mway the sB/D#ins of Eall
ForE/G#giveness fAlows from hE/G#ands and fAeet
As vBiolence mC#meets the PB/D#rince of PEeace Behold the KBing


LiAght of the wEorld LC#mamb that was sBlain LAion who rEose mC#mighty to sBave
The fAullness of GEod won't be kC#mept in a gBrave DAarkness Your hour is Bo - veEr

Verse 2

BeE/G#hold the lAove His dE/G#ying pAlea BehBold the gC#mrace of CB/D#alvarEy
The rE/G#ugged cAross sE/G#oon to Abe the eBmblem C#mof a rB/D#isen KEing
Behold the KBing

Chorus (2x)


A/ / / B/ C#m/ / E/ /

Bridge (4x)

NAo enemy could hold You dBown cC#mause there's no bEody in the grave now
OAne head gets to wear that crBown cC#mause there's no bEody in the grave now

Chorus (2x) / Bridge (2x) / Instrumental (2x)

No Body | Passion

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