
Light Of The World Song Lesson

Artist: Lauren Daigle

Tempo: Medium

Song Key: Gb

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Light Of The World Chords

(Capo on 6)


Ebm B Gb Db


Gb The world waits for a miracle B The heart longs for a little bit of hope
O Ebmcome O cBome EmmanuGbel
Gb A child prays for peace on earth and sBhe’s calling out from a sea of hurt
O Ebmcome O cBome EmmanuGbel
AnAbmd can Gb/Bbyou hBear theAbm an - Gb/Bb gels sinBging


EbmGl - Bo - Gbry to the Light of the WDborld
EbmGl - Bo - Gbry to the Light of the WDborld is Abmhere Gb/Bb B


Gb The drop breaks with the tears of a mother B A baby’s cry is the sound of love
Come Ebmdown Come dBown EmmanuGbel
Gb He is the song for the suffering B He is Messiah the Prince of Peace
Has cEbmome He has cBome EmmanuGbel Db/F

CHORUS 1 (4x)

EbmGl - Bo - Gbry to the Light of the WDborld


For all who wGbait For all who hBunger For all in Ebmpain For all who wBander
Behold your KGbing Behold MBessiah EmmanEbmuel EmmanuBel



Behold your KGbing Behold MBessiah EmmanEbmuel EmmanuBel


Gb The world waits for a miracle B The heart longs for a little bit of hope
O Ebmcome O cBome EmmanuGbel

Light Of The World | Lauren Daigle

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KEY Gb BPM 108
KEY Gb BPM 108
Guitar Notation
Bass Notation
Drum Notation
Keyboard Notation