
The Dove Song Lesson

Artist: Kari Jobe

Song Key: A♭

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The Dove Chords


Ab/ / / / Db/ / / / Fm/ / / / Eb/ / / /

Verse 1

God was tAbhere at the beginning His Spirit bDbrooding like a dove
Spoke the eFmarth into existence formed crEbeation that He loved
Man was bAborn of perfect image made to Dbbe a friend of God
Meant to dFmwell within His presence Yeah it's whEbere we all belong

Chorus 1 (2x)

Holy SDbpirit Eb Fm all we need is mAbore of You We want mEbore of You

Verse 2

When sAbin had spoiled creation the CDbreator sent a flood
On the cFmusp of new beginning He agEbain released the dove
And aAbfter all the searching it fDbound a place to land
On CFmhrist the perfect Son who would redEbeem it all again
LAb/Cooking for the branches it lDbanded on the vine
The OFmne for our redemption who would bEbridge eternal life

Chorus 2 (2x)

Holy SDbpirit the Truth the LEbiving WFmater all we need is mAbore of You We want mEbore of You
Holy SpDbirit the Helper aEbnd the HFmealer all we need is mAbore of You We want mEbore of You


Db/ / / Eb/ Fm/ / / Eb/G/ Ab/ / / / Eb/ / / /

Bridge (2x)

LDbet this be an uEbpper rFmoom Light the flame we bEb/Gurn for YAbou Holy HEboly Holy Spirit
LDbike a mighty ruEbshing wFmind Pour Your Spirit oEb/Gut agAbain Holy HEboly Holy Spirit

Bridge 2 (2x)

HDboly HEboly Fm Holy SpirEb/Git HAboly HolEby Holy Spirit

The Dove | Kari Jobe

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