
So Will I (100 Billion X) Song Lesson

Artist: Hillsong United

Tempo: Down

Song Key: A

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So Will I (100 Billion X) Chords

(Capo on 2)


D/A F#m Esus/B


D/AGod of creation TF#mhere at the start Esus/Bbefore the beginning of D/Atime F#m Esus/B
With no D/Apoint of reference You sF#mpoke to the dark and Esus/Bfleshed out the wonder of D/Alife A/C# Esus/B


And as You sApeak a hundred billion F#mgalaxies arEsus/Be born in the vapor of Your bA/C#reath the planets D/Aform
If the F#mstars were made to D/Aworship so will AI
I can sAee Your heart in F#meverything You’ve madEsus/Be Every burning star a sA/C#ignal fire of gD/Arace
If cF#mreation sings Your pD/Araises so will AI


A F#m Esus/B Esus/B A/C#


D/AGod of Your promise You F#mdon’t speak in vain No Esus/Bsyllable empty or D/Avoid F#m Esus/B
For D/Aonce You have spoken all F#mnature and science Esus/Bfollow the sound of Your D/Avoice A/C# Esus/B


And as You spAeak a hundred billion cF#mreatures catch Your breath Esus/B evolving in purA/C#suit of what You D/Asaid
If itF#m all reveals Your nD/Aature so will AI
I can sAee Your heart in F#meverything You say Esus/B Every painted sky a cA/C#anvas of Your D/Agrace
If cF#mreation sings Your prD/Aaises so will AI F#m So wilEsus/Bl I


If the D/Astars are made to worship so will F#mI Esus/B If the mD/Aountains bow in reverence so wF#mill I Esus/B
If the D/Aoceans roar Your greatness so will F#mI Esus/B For if D/Aeverything exists to lift You F#mhigh so Esus/Bwill I
If the wD/Aind goes where You send it so will F#mI Esus/B If the D/Arocks cry out in silence so will F#mI Esus/B
If the D/Asum of all our praises still fallF#m shy Esus/B Then D/Awe’ll sing again a hundred billion tF#mimes Esus/B


D/A F#m Esus/B


D/AGod of salvation You cF#mhased down my heart tEsus/Bhrough all of my failure and D/Apride F#m Esus/B
On a D/Ahill You created the lF#might of the world aEsus/Bbandoned in darkness to D/Adie A/C# Esus/B


And as You spAeak a hundred billion F#mfailures disaEsus/Bppear Where You lost Your life sA/C#o I could find it D/Ahere
If You F#mleft the grave beD/Ahind You so will AI
I can sAee Your heart in F#meverything You’ve done Esus/B Every part designed in a A/C#work of art called D/Alove
If You gF#mladly chose surD/Arender so will AI
I can sAee Your heart eight F#mbillion different ways Esus/B Every precious one a A/C#child You died to D/Asave
If You F#mgave Your life toD/A love them so will AI
Like You woAuld again a F#mhundred billion times Esus/B but what measure could amA/C#ount to Your deD/Asire
You’re the F#mOne who never lD/Aeaves the one behiAnd

So Will I (100 Billion X) | Hillsong United

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