
Same Power Song Lesson

Artist: Jeremy Camp

Tempo: Medium

Song Key: G

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Same Power Chords

INTRO (2x)

Em7 C2 G


I can Em7see waters rC2aging at my fGeet I can Em7feel the breath of C2those surrounding Gme
I can Em7hear the sound of nC2ations rising Gup We will Dnot be overtaken we will nC2ot be overcome
Em7I can walk downC2 this dark and paiGnful road Em7I can face eC2very fear of theG unknown
I can Em7hear all God’s cC2hildren singing Gout We will nDot be overtaken we will not C2be overcome


G The same power that rose Jesus from the grave
Em7 The same power that commands the dead to wake lives in C2us Em7 lives in Dus
G The same power that moves mountains when He speaks
Em7 The same power that can calm a raging sea lives in C2us Em7 lives in Dus
He lives in C2us Em7 lives in Dus


We have Em7hope that His C2promises are tGrue In His sEm7trength there is nC2othing we can’t Gdo
Yes we kEm7now there are gC2reater things in sGtore We will nDot be overtaken we will C2not be overcome


GrC2eater is He that is liDving in me He’s Em7conquered our eneDsus/F#my G
No pC2ower of darkness No weDapon prevails We sEm7tand here in victoDsus/F#ry G
GrC2eater is He that is liDving in me He’s Em7conquered our eneDsus/F#my G
No pC2ower of darkness No weDapon prevails We sEm7tand here in victoDsus/F#ry G C2

CHORUS (2x) End on the 1 chord

Same Power | Jeremy Camp

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