
His Name Is Jesus Song Lesson

Artist: Phil Wickham

Song Key: Bb

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His Name Is Jesus Chords

(Capo on 3)

Verse 1

The King is in the Bbroom come Bbsussee the scars of love upon His Ebhands
The King is in the Bbroom we'll Bbsuswatch the darkness flee at His Ebcommand
Who is this GmKing Who is this FKing


His name is JEbesus His name is GmJesus Light of the Bbworld there's freedom in His Fname
Awesome in Ebpower reigning foGmrever Light of the wBborld there's freedom in His nFame

Verse 2

The Healer's in the Bbroom Let miracles break out across this Ebplace
The Savior's in the Bbroom No soul beyond the boundaries of His Ebgrace
There's Gmresurrection power in His Fname


Chorus Tag

There's freedom in His nEbame Bb F There's Gmfreedom in His nEbame Bb F Gm


There's never been a Eblove so greaBbt He died so Fwe could Gmlive
Then He rose up Ebfrom that graBbve Name another Fking like tGmhis
Now all autEbhoritBby forever belFongs to GmHim
He reigns in EbvictorBby Name another Fking like Gmthis

Bridge Tag 1

Eb Bb F Name another Gmking like tEbhis Bb Who is this FKing

Chorus (2x) / Bridge

Bridge Tag 2

Eb Bb F There's never been a Gmking like tEbhis Bb F His name is EbJesus

His Name Is Jesus | Phil Wickham

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