
Light Of The World (Sing Hallelujah) Song Lesson

Artist: We The Kingdom

Song Key: D

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Light Of The World (Sing Hallelujah) Chords

Verse 1

LBmight of the WGorld TAreasure of hBmeaven BBmrilliant like the sGtars in the wAintery sBmky
JD/F#oy of the FGather rAeach through the dBmarkness SBmhine across the eGarth send the sAhadows to fBmlight G A

Verse 2

LBmight of the WGorld fArom the bBmeginning the tBmragedies of tGime were no mAatch for Your lBmove
FD/F#rom great heights of gGlory YAou saw my sBmtory GBmod You entered IGn and beAcame one of uGs


SDing hallelujah BmSing hallelujah GSing hallelujah for the tDhings He has dAone
CDome and adore Him BmBow down before Him GSing hallelujah to the DLight of the AWorld


Bm/ / / G/ / / A/ / / Bm/ / /

LBmight of the WGorld cArowned in a mBmanger bBmorn for the cGross to sAuffer to sBmave
HD/F#igh King of hGeaven DF#/A#eath is the pBmoorer WBme are the rGicher by the pArice that He pGaid

Chorus / Instrumental (2x)

LBmight of the WGorld sAoon will be cBmoming with fBmire in His eGyes He will rAansom His oBmwn
Through cD/F#louds He will lGead us sF#/A#traight into gBmlory and tBmhere He shall rGeign fAorevermGore forevermore



Bm/ / / G/ / / A/ / / D/ / /

Light Of The World (Sing Hallelujah) | We The Kingdom

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