
Jesus Does Song Lesson

Artist: We The Kingdom

Song Key: G♭

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Jesus Does Chords

(Capo on 6)

Intro (2x)

Gb/ / / / / / / / / B/ / /

Verse 1

WGbho tells the sun to rise every morning colors the sky with the shades of His glory
WBakes us with mercy and love Jesus dGboes
WGbho holds the orphan comforts the widow cries for injustice feels every sorrow
CBarries the pain of His children Jesus dGboes

Chorus 1

So we sing pBraise to the Father who gGbave us the Son PBraise to the Spirit who's lEbmiving in uDbs
When BI was a sinner He Ebmsaved me from wEho I wBas 'cause tEbmhat's what JDbesus dGboes


Verse 2

GbWho understands the heart of a sinner showers His grace over all our mistakes
WBashes us clean with His blood Jesus dGboes
WGbho sings a song of sweet forgiveness Who stole the keys to Gbhell aAbmnd the grGb/Bbave
WBho has the power to save Jesus dGboes

Chorus 1


BO what a Friend DbO what a Savior He's aGb/Bblways been good He's aBlways been faithful Gb/Bb
He cBame to my rescue when I nDbeeded Him most and sEbmaved Dbmy sBoul

So we sing pBraise to the Father who gGbave us the Son PBraise to the Spirit who's lEbmiving in uDbs
When BI was a sinner He Ebmsaved me from wEho I wBas
So we sing pBraise to the Father who gGbave us the Son PBraise to the Spirit who's lEbmiving in uDbs
When BI was a sinner He Ebmsaved me from wEho I wBas
tEbmhat's what JDbesus dGboes

Intro (2x)

Jesus Does | We The Kingdom

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KEY G♭ BPM 138
KEY G♭ BPM 138
Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>