5 Ways to Get Inspired
Every day is an opportunity for a fresh start and new rhythmns.
Is your creativity tank running low? Try these 5 things.
1. Take Time to Sit with God
This one should be a no brainer but it’s funny how often we don’t prioritize this. If you take nothing in, you’ve got nothing to give. Not sure where to start? Grab a copy of the classic My Utmost For His Highest or the excellent Prayer: 40 Days of Practice.
2. Listen. Listen. Listen.
If I don’t feel like playing it’s often because I’m not listening to other people’s music. I’m not just talking worship music either. Sure that’s what I write 99% of the time but stepping outside the musical trappings of top 40 worship songs can really get you stoked on new sounds. I’m currently digging Thomas Abban, The War on Drugs, Dylan LeBlanc and Better Oblivion Community Center. Seriously, watch this and try not to get inspired.
3. Exercise
Movement is good for you. It just is. Maybe you’re not a workout warrior, but getting out for a walk or a hike is just as good. Moving both stimulates the body and clears the mind. That’s when some of the best ideas come. Feel free to grab your guitar and take it with you for bonus points.
4. Learn something new
If you find yourself playing the same old riffs, force yourself to learn something new. Learn a song note for note. Learn the all the lyrics of your favorite song and sing it around the house. Take on a skill and work through a full collection that features that skill. Learning builds new pathways in the brain and those pathways can lead to some new ones.
5. Play with someone else
If you’re only playing in your room, invite someone over and play off each other. Some of my best musical moments have come goofing around with someone with an entirely different style from my own. It creates a whole new sound and that inspires more new sounds.
Sometimes you’ve just got to force yourself out of old habits. I hope these ideas get you started.
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