Nord Stage 2 Walkthrough Crash Course
The Nord Stage 2 keyboard software has some awesome capabilities that can take your keyboard playing to the next level.
We have some great in-depth tutorials on the Nord program which walk through the various features of the keyboard and showcase how to use the settings in Live Mode. Those tutorial videos take a deep dive into the Nord Stage 2, but if you’re someone who doesn’t have enough time for the full tutorial, we recommend this helpful 7-minute Crash Course on the Nord Stage 2.
Crash Course Tutorial Highlights
In our crash course tutorial Ryan, our keyboard instructor, walks us through his workflow that he uses to get set up and ready to play for a typical Sunday worship session. He’ll review these steps on the Nord Stage 2 so you can get set up to play your best:
Make Sure Live Mode is On
Make Sure Volume is Up
Check Reverb
Check Compression
Turn On Synth
Adjust Attack, Release and Decay
Change Filter
Program and tweak the Mod Wheel
Set Tempo(s)
Adjust delay
Save it to the program memory bank
Watch and Learn - Nord Stage 2 Crash Course
Keep in mind, that’s all the setup needed for just one song. If you’re planning to switch patches, sounds, or tempos throughout your set, you’ll need to make adjustments and save new sounds to another program slot in the Nord’s storage.
Get More on Nord Stage 2
If you want to dive deeper into any aspect of the Nord Stage 2, check out our longer tutorial videos for more explanation and examples. Ryan is a wizard with his instruments and shares his collection of tips and tricks to help you elevate your sound.