Jason's Pedalboard for Worship
The infamous pedalboard that is used for every Worship Artistry guitar lesson.
Watch below for a full tour of Jason's pedalboard and hear a few stories to go along with the pedals.
Gear used in video:
- Creation Music Company Pedalboard
- Boss Tuner
- Keeley Compressor Plus
- Dunlop Volume Pedal
- Crowther Hot Cake
- MXR Mini Timmy
- Hot Cake + Timmy
- EHX Nano POG
- Mooer Chorus Ensemble King
- Coffee Shop Pedals Cortado Reverb
- Strymon El Cap Tape Delay
- Earthquaker Devices Dispatch Master
Pedal Board to Helix
Submitted by CMichael on June 10, 2024 - 5:12pm.
I have a Helix LT. What is the best way to replicate the sounds for the worship songs from your pedals to the presets on my Helix? (sorry, new to the Helix family) Is it better to build presets from scratch or buy the Artist downloads, if available?
Thanks for all you and your team provide!
Triple grab pedal?
Submitted by Garrison4811 on February 6, 2025 - 11:01am.
Hey guys, question!
I watched your "That's My King" tutorial for the electric guitar Tone section and I noticed a new pedal on the board.
What is the triple grab effect pedal Jason is referring to in this tutorial? I can't seem to find this in the Green Room.
Thank you!