JHS Double Barrel and Sweet Tea: Demo and Review
It can be tough to choose which overdrive is best for you. The best way to know is to try them out.
In this video we take a look at both the JHS Double Barrel and Sweet Tea overdrive pedals. For this setup, the signal path is hooked up as a Tele through the pedals into my Vox AC30 mic'd with a Shure SM57 Cardioid Dynamic Mic.
The majority of the demo is focused on the JHS Double Barrel. If you are only interested in the JHS Sweet Tea jump to 9:30 in the video.
Learn the Riffs
Like the riffs we used to show off the Double Barrel and Sweet Tea pedals? You can learn them! Check out the complete lessons for Shout Hosanna and Lift Your Head Weary Sinner to practice these fun and fast riffs.
Final Thoughts
Both the pedals have an 808 circuit and we enjoy them both. But, the Double Barrel has that Morning Glory overdrive on the left hand side which we truly love. The bright cut switch is a nice feature as the drive brightens as you turn it up. The 808 side doesn't have as many options as something like the Earthquaker Palisades but the 3 clipping settings and the combination with the Morning Glory make it a very versatile overdrive. With the lush sound and overdrives that work well together, this is definitely our pick for a pedal.
On the flip side, the JHS Sweet Tea has the Angry Charlie overdrive, which may be just a little too much in the worship context. If you want something heavier, the Sweet Tea might be a better option for you.
Great Demo!
Submitted by Powelln09 on May 14, 2015 - 11:48am.
I recently purchased the double barrel and I am very happy with it. I have also purchased pedals and my Jackson amp from Rogue Guitar shop. Great guys, great service and fast shipping. Awesome partnership!
hey jason do you mind telling me
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on May 26, 2015 - 9:32am.
what are the best overdrive, delay, and reverb pedals that is under $100?
hey jason Do you mind doing a demo for
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on May 26, 2015 - 9:31am.
The "Tc electronic hall of fame mini reverb"?
And the "Tc electronic flashback mini delay?
hey jason can you do
Submitted by Heartfelt worsh... on June 1, 2015 - 12:27pm.
a green room lessen on single coil pickups vs humbucker pickups.
just going through the difference in both of them and also talking about what one is better for worship music and which one is used more and also what guitar works best with the single coil and humbucker pickups.
Already have something like that.
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 1, 2015 - 2:29pm.
Check this out: https://worshipartistry.com/lessons/foundations-of-good-tone
oh thank you
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on June 2, 2015 - 12:05pm.
so much! this site is amazing!
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 2, 2015 - 2:31pm.
We just want to help you be amazing :)