How to Transpose a Song in Under 5 Minutes
A simple and comprehensive system that makes it a breeze.
Transposing is a lot easier than you think. With just a little practice you'll never need to fear a last-minute key change.
A simple and comprehensive system that makes it a breeze to transpose a song.
Yes, It's a hassle when you have to change a song key at the last minute. But it's not the tragedy so many worship musicians make it out to be. You can get apps and print out charts in every key, but ultimately you'll spend more time and energy avoiding it than simply learning how to do it. I'm going to teach you a simple (and comprehensive) system that'll help you transpose a song in less than five minutes.
The Musical Alphabet
Let's start with the basics. The musical alphabet starts at A and goes to G#, then repeats. It looks like this. (Keep in mind that A# and Bb are different names for the same note.)
The interval between each note is a half step and two half steps equal a whole step so...
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The Major Scale
The major scale is the basis of all western music and it's how we define what notes belong in what key. All it is is a fixed pattern of Whole steps and Half steps that never changes; it's ALWAYS the same. Visually it looks like this:
Go ahead and read that out loud a few times.
"Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step"
"Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step"
"Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step"
Defining the Key
To find what notes are in one key you simply apply the major scale pattern to the alphabet, making sure you start on the root of the key. So, if you want notes in the key of C, you start your 1 on a C like so.
Go ahead and hover your cursor over it. From C to D is a whole step. D to E is a whole step. E to F is a half step...whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. If you do it right, your 1 and 8 will be the same note. Seriously, hover over it while saying the steps out loud.I'll wait.
Changing Keys
Okay, the key of C is easy because there are no sharps or flats, but every other key is just as easy. You simply apply your major scale pattern. Let's try the key of D.
You'll notice we use the sharp (#) designation instead of the flat (b). That's because we want a representation of every letter in each key. If we used flats instead of sharps, we would have D E Gb G A B Db D which would give us doubles of D and G while depriving us of F and C's lovely company. Let's try the key of F and see how the flats come into play.
In this example, we go with flats because we don't want both an A and an A# in the scale.
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Music Transposition
Now that your music theory knowledge is expanding, you can see that each note in a key occupies a specific scale position. Transposing is simply swapping notes that share the same scale position. So, let's say you have a chord progression in the key of F that goes like this:
If we translate that to numbers (using the scale postions) it looks like this:
Once you have those numbers you can quickly and easily swap in the new chords. So let's try it with G and D. First we lay out the scale:
Then drop in the notes:
It Takes Practice to Master Music Transposition
Transposing may not seem easy right now, but it is essential and becomes easier with practice. Practice enough and you'll start thinking in numbers. If this is an entirely new idea to you, I'd suggest simply writing out the notes in each key as a starting point. I have a handy cheat sheet and video on this so you can check your work. Start by choosing a few song lesson charts and converting them to number charts. Play through your chords in each scale saying their numbers aloud. Mastering this skill is worth the investment, so get after it!
Minor Notes in the Number Scale
Submitted by James Ball on July 15, 2015 - 5:46am.
It is fair to say that the minor notes/chords normally come on 2, 3, 6 and 7? That's what it seems...
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on July 15, 2015 - 7:24am.
There's some more detail on it in the "Intro to Guitar - The Language of Music" lesson in the 101 section.
I Use a different method
Submitted by BrayWilliams on July 15, 2015 - 12:19pm.
I count the amount of half steps in between a note and count that many when transposing.
(Ab to C = 9 half steps when transposing down) So, if I want want to transpose a note and the song is in the key of Ab to key of C, and the first note is F, I count 9 half steps down from F.
That's awesome for lead work
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on July 15, 2015 - 1:04pm.
Though it can get a little labor intensive with chords but whatever works :)
transposing for notes
Submitted by agitator on July 26, 2015 - 8:04pm.
So I get doing the the chords for different keys but what if I need to transpose a song like Jesus Culture which you listed in lessons from key of D to key of A? I can't figure out how to do the whole song in key of A . thanks jon
Or you can cheat a little bit
Submitted by drew_almighty on August 3, 2015 - 1:17pm.
First off, I completely agree that it's important to understand what is happening when you transpose. However, once you "get it", buy the Shubb transposing guide and make your life a lot easier (I have no affiliation with the company, just love the product).
Not only does it quickly transpose chords between any two keys, but the flip side will tell you which fret to put your capo on to change your chord shapes to a key you are more comfortable with.
Hark The Herald Angels Sing key change
Submitted by ozman83 on December 14, 2015 - 8:37am.
Hi! I'm going to be playing the lead guitar part for "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" by Lincoln Brewster in a couple of weeks. However, we are playing it in the key of E (standard tuning) instead of F# (tuned down 1/2 step).
If my calculations are correct I use the same fingerings in the lesson for the intro and solo but I need to move up the neck 3 frets to play it in E.
The issue I have now is I don't have the song in E to practice with so it is making it difficult to practice everything in E.
Is there a tool out there that will transpose the song so I can have something to practice along with? Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
You can purchase one
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on December 14, 2015 - 2:47pm.
Multitracks appears to have that key available. It might be a little pricy for a practice tool. If you have an apple device, the AnyTune app allows you to change the song key. If neither of those are an option, I would master it in the original key and then make the move down to the key of E and try playing it without the track.
Also for clarity, you are moving the parts three frets "down" the neck (meaning notes on the 15th fret are played on the 12th instead), correct?
iPad app?
Submitted by Zickefoose on June 19, 2016 - 8:13am.
This is a great tutorial and I understand how to transpose. However, we change keys so often that it gets stressful and I'm afraid I'll make a mistake. My question is, is there an app that I can copy the chord sheet you have here on the site and put it in the app and transpose it there? I'm also planning on getting an iPad so I look more in the times rather than printing sheet music weekly, so it isn't just for transposing.
Check out the OnSong App
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 19, 2016 - 10:22am.
We use it at my church and it's awesome
Submitted by Miriam319 on January 21, 2017 - 7:40pm.
Out of necessity, one day I figured this out, but I can't keep it in my head while playing. I have to write it out and look at it. I don't play by ear, but I am trying to learn. I am mainly stuck with a chord chart or lead sheet. Last week in church I watched how the keyboard player in the church just played each song without a music sheet. I don't understand how she can memorize all 5 songs! How do they do that I ask? She must play by ear!
Practice practice practice.
Submitted by Chr1stopherB on October 30, 2017 - 9:43am.
Practice practice practice. Our director doesn't like music stands so we memorize at least 4 songs every week, and keys change from week to week depending on singer. I'm not an expert guitarist so I usually practice 3 or 4 nights plus two band rehearsals, and some songs I still don't get down. Luckily I can put a sheet of paper on the floor with the chord names to help my memory that the congregation can't see.
How about riff and solo work?
Submitted by Chr1stopherB on October 30, 2017 - 9:39am.
How do you figure riffs and solos when changing keys? Most use TAB to write it out and I don't see how you can transpose that.
We have a great lesson on Transposing lead riffs.
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on October 30, 2017 - 9:40am.
you can view it here: