Walking Between Guitar Chords
Guitar players are always looking for ways to spice up their playing and walking between your chords is a simple and versatile way to do it.
Let's have a look at a number of ways to walk between your chords in the key of C.
You don't need to keep this to the key of C but for now here are a few great songs that you can learn and add some simple walks into.
Submitted by LivingHopeMusic1 on June 3, 2015 - 9:23am.
Thank you for doing a lesson on this. I was one of, perhaps many, that requested this tutorial. I play rhythm guitar for our music worship group and I have been wanting to learn how to spice up my playing for a while now. I will certainly need to get brushed back up on the "language of music" and scales lessons for certain as you kinda lost me a little on the video. No worries! Just means I've got to step it up and get out of my comfort zone to learn the underlying structure to why skilled guitar players do what they do.
Bless you! I hope to see more from you on this in the future.
Love it.
Submitted by Joe Menadue on June 4, 2015 - 3:28am.
This lesson was a nice additive to other lessons I took on walking into chords. It was a nice review for me and is a technique I really need to work on. I have gotten good at matching rhythm and staying with tempo. Now I'm looking at different ways I can liven up my playing. Do you have any lessons on percussive guitar techniques?
We've got some posts that deal with that.
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 8, 2015 - 9:33am.
Check out the Muting Lesson in the 101 section as well as the this post on leading with 2 acoustic guitars.
your acoustic
Submitted by semiller86 on June 22, 2015 - 6:05am.
what are you playing in this video? I have tone envy. great balance on that mamajamma
That is a Martin 000-28ec
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 22, 2015 - 9:16am.
I have yet to play a guitar I like better.