Transposable Tabs and Sheet Music
A Worship Artistry Feature
Your worship leader got a cold? Female vocalist taking the lead?
Transposable sheet music, tabs, and chord charts let you adjust your parts to fit this week's set. Check out the video to see it in action.
Can I print out tabs?
Yes, you are able to print our tabs from the print icon in the top right corner of the tabs. If that doesn't print all of the lines of every section of the song, then increase and decrease the size of your browser window to ensure that our print preview page modifies to include all lines of all the music. (That said, we encourage you to ditch the printing altogether and use the incredible device you are reading this on. You’ll never go back.)
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Why did one section not transpose?
If you are trying to transpose lower than an open string, you will get a notification on the section that it could not be transposed. Our suggestion is to use the transposing tool to transpose up an octave or try to work that section out on your own. We’ve got lots of teaching on transposing for yourself.

Here's what our early-access members have to say:
Oh. My. WORD. This guitar/keys player is in heaven. Amazing!!!!!!!!
-Nate H.
Short response - it's awesome.
-Page G.
Between rotating male and female singers we change keys quite a bit. This is absolutely fantastic!
-Todd Y.
I love it!!!!!! I have always done my transposing by hand, but with these tools I can accomplish it in a fraction of the time!
-Tim L.
As I speak from experience as someone who struggled with manually transposing lead tabs for 2 years or more, these will help SO many church musicians.
-Dwayne H.
Being able to hear the riff by itself in the key being used by the band goes a long way to getting the fingering internalized.
-Alan S.
Who gets this feature?
This feature comes standard on individual and team accounts. If you are a Legacy member (joined before November 19th, 2019) and don't have the chord chart transposing add-on, you will have to purchase the add-on which now includes transposable chord charts and notation for the same price. You can do so with a few clicks in your "My Account". It's well worth the upgrade. Try out a free sample lesson to see for yourself.
Re: transposable tabs
Submitted by Judy Belbin on May 20, 2021 - 9:01am.
Hi Jason
I am a legacy member - 2018... I am interested in knowing about the transpose feature as you mentioned in your comments. When I click on the free sample lesson... the link brings me to the Waymaker song. Love this song! However, I am not seeing the transposable feature.
Judy Belbin
Hi Judy
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on May 20, 2021 - 9:47am.
Thanks for your comment! This should be fixed now.
Tab Transposing
Submitted by coogeeboy on May 27, 2021 - 7:32am.
Hey Jason,
I'm working on Jesus Messiah. We play the song in D, and your tab is in B with capo 4. I cannot seem to get rid of the capo, and get tab in D. Am I doing something wrong? In your chord sheet, we have the option to delete the capo. Is that option not available? I also noticed that in the Jesus Messiah tab, the chord feature does not work. Love the new tab feature!!
Glad you like it!
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on May 27, 2021 - 9:12am.
That's a bit of a tricky one. We are working on the capo piece on the tabs but for now here's how to approach it.
To SEE the correct tabs, think of the song as it's capoed. So for example, on Jesus Messiah, the key is B but it's played LIKE it's in the key of G. To go up from G to D would be +7. The tabs will still say "Capo 4" but if ignore it you will have the right tablature.
To HEAR the correct sound on playback, you have to go from the ACTUAL key of B up to D which is +3.
Try it out and see if that makes sense.
In terms of chords, not all tabs have them either because it doesn't work for the riff (i.e. a riff that repeats one measure over many chord changes) or because it's a really old song and we weren't adding them early.
Submitted by coogeeboy on May 27, 2021 - 5:45pm.
I figured something like that would have to be done. Anyway again, great feature.
Piano music request
Submitted by bpcworship on June 14, 2021 - 11:03am.
Hi Jason- LOVE the ability to transpose the keys music, and I really appreciate the amount of work of must have been to get this done! I have a couple of requests, if possible.
1) Would it be possible to transpose +/-12 on the music? Often times we'll do a song down from original and it creates a ton of ledger lines in the music. (IE- taking House of the Lord down to G, which is -3, where we typically do it) It would be much easier to use the music if I could move up +9 to see it in G on the staff.
2) Previously we could print an entire song's sheet music, but now it's by section- one section per page. If there a way we could be able to print all of what we need in one print?
Again, thank you for blessing the Church with your gifts!
Hi Chris
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on June 14, 2021 - 2:59pm.
Thanks for the input! We are currently integrating with a third party platform so we are limited to the features they have. We do have a voice with them so we can bring up the +12 idea. As far as printing goes, we are only able to offer single section printing as of now due once again to third party limitations. We understand that it's not ideal but we felt the feature was worth the trade off. We still have chord chart printing available.