Arranging Parts for Keyboard with Ryan King

Podcast Episode #34

Worship Artistry keyboard instructor Ryan King joins us to discuss arranging music for keyboards, his new kids program Pianosity and staying focused on practice.

4 Ways to Stay Musically Sharp

Every once in a while I’m reminded of how important it is to stay musically sharp and just how easy it is to become musically dull." src="/sites/all/modules/wysiwyg/plugins/break/images/spacer.gif" style="font-size: 1em;" title="<--break-->">

Hardware vs. Software for Worship Keyboardists

The best backup plan for worship musicians

Have you ever worked all night on a paper only to have the power go out and realize you didn't save your work? It's gut-wrenching! Now imagine that happened on stage! Keyboard players don't have to be at the mercy of their equipment. Let's compare hardware vs. software rigs and see how we can mitigate disaster.

3 Keys to Artistic Padding

Have you ever heard music being played at other times in a service besides when a song is actually being sung? If you have, then you have experienced the art of “padding.” 

OmniTR Tutorial

One of the number one questions I get asked is "What are you doing on your iPad?"