Adding Worship Artistry Arrangements to Planning Center
An integration that is sure to make worship prep even easier.
With just a click of a button (maybe two) you're able to import Worship Artistry's chord chart and lesson link to your Planning Center Services song library.
Note: you will need an account with Planning Center Services and an active subscription with Worship Artistry for this to work.
You can add a song to Planning Center from the Song Lesson or from the Dashboard:
The first time you walk through this process, you will be prompted to give Planning Center permission to access. Once you do, adding is very seamless!
Once a song is added to Planning Center Services from Worship Artistry, it'll appear as a "Worship Artistry" arrangement in the song.
And in the song arrangment, you have a direct link back to the Worship Artistry lesson for quick access.
We hope this streamlines your worship prep even more! You can discover more Worship Artistry features here. If you have any issues, please reach out to us via this form.
Set up PCO Integration
Submitted by Christophershil... on April 21, 2024 - 6:48pm.
What is the easiest way to do this?