Song Devotional: You Are The Lord by Passion
A song that carries weight
It's so important for us worship leaders to be inspired by the songs we lead. If our songs don't carry weight for us, how can we expect others to engage fully?
Whenever I introduce a new song, I try to spend time with it; to go beyond the great hooks and dig into the lyrics. I want to know what this song means to my community and how it can better help us know the God we serve.
Oftentimes I try to bring more gravity to a new song by offering a short devotional thought to help us put it in context. It's amazing how a few short words can add heft to a song and draw out its meaning.
My purpose is two-fold. I want to connect you to the purpose of your practice and I want my thoughts to be a jumping off point for you to have some of your own. First, give the lyrics a read and then see my thoughts below.
You Are The Lord Lyrics (Passion Band feat. Brett Younker)
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Song Thought
This week I was struck by this song. Musically, it has an almost 80’s ballad kind of a sound. That might be a little nostalgic for some of you and entirely new for others. I think it’s a great fit for this song because it creates a sense of grandeur. I know for myself, God can almost become too familiar. I talk to Him like a friend. I share my heart and try to learn His, but the thing that makes God different from my other close friends, is that God is who HE is.
HE is the Lord.
HE is holy.
His glory "floods the earth and fills the skies".
There is truly no one like Him.
This song gives us an opportunity to proclaim that truth.
We are doing more than playing songs. We are opening our hearts to God and facilitating worship for His people. It's so important we stay connect to that. I would love to hear what jumps out to you about this song. How would you introduce it to your community? What gives “You Are The Lord” weight in your heart? Feel free to share in the comments. If you want to sit with it some more, you can check out the Worship Artistry song tutorial for You Are The Lord.