Leeland Mooring on the Act of Singing

Podcast Episode #118

If you feel that modern worship music is built on a shaky foundation of emotion rather than a solid one of biblical truth, you haven't listened to Leeland Mooring talk about worship.

Knowing he began his music career at a such a young age, you'd be forgiven for expecting an immature philosophy, but you would be absolutely wrong. What started as a simple question about how his view of worship has changed over the course of his 16 year career, turned into a thesis about the Church and the spiritual act of singing to our Father. These songs are built on the Gospel and it's incredibly refreshing. 

Jason Houtsma is the co-founder and guitar teacher at Worship Artistry, where he is helping musicians of every level answer the call to worship with passion and confidence. Jason has been leading worship and writing music since he was 15 years old and currently serves as Worship Pastor for Mosaic Church in Bellingham, WA. He is husband to Alli and father to Bjorn and Asher.

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