Why Choose Worship Artistry
What separates Worship Artistry from other worship tutorial sources online
If you’re searching for worship resources, the question you need to answer isn’t “which online worship resource is best”, but “which online worship resource is best for me”.
When Worship Artistry first launched in 2011, there weren’t many resources for leading worship online. That’s certainly not the case now and we think that’s a good thing! No worship teaching resource can be everything to everyone because we all have different needs.
A multi-campus church has different needs from a 50 person church, and the youth band has different needs than a small group leader. Here’s why Worship Artistry might be your answer:
We believe we are all called to worship. Worship Artistry exists to equip musicians of all skill levels to answer that calling with passion and confidence. We do that by creating licensed worship song tutorials that cater to every level of worship musician.
An Innovative Learning Environment
Every song tutorial is broken down into short chapters focused on individual parts of the song. That means the beginner keyboardist can watch through detailed teaching, practice with looped sections at slow speeds, learn how to dial in the right tone on the keyboard, and practice along with chord charts, and sheet music, until they feel confident enough to play with the team.
The experienced guitarist can quickly watch a close up song video to get the arrangement and practice along with a full speed loop to handle that troublesome bridge riff. Vocalists can practice their parts alone or with the full team.
Every musician has what they need to learn the songs during the week so they can lead the songs on Sunday.
Tutorials for Every Learning Style
We’re not performers; we are teachers. We know that different musicians have different learning styles. Some absolutely need sheet music while others need only a video. Some like to have a chord chart while others prefer to memorize. Every Worship Artistry song tutorial includes teaching videos, practice loops, and transposable sheet music, tablature, and chord charts so your team members can learn in a way that suits them best.
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Song Arrangements for Your Church
We recognize that many churches don’t have all the musicians necessary to recreate songs exactly as they are recorded. A quick review of the stem tracks for the latest worship songs will often yield upwards of 20 individual instruments!
Worship Artistry arranges every tutorial so you can reproduce that pro sound with your small volunteer band on Sunday. Songs are all arranged to sound like the album with one acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, keyboard and drum kit. Acoustic guitar and keyboard tutorials also include additional tips for leading songs when you have no band. Tutorials for vocals add 3 part harmony to fit modern arrangements even if they aren't there on the original recording.
We believe you shouldn’t have to limit the worship songs you can play simply because you have a small band.
Built to Grow Your Team
Worship Artistry isn’t just for your current players but your future players as well. Since our tutorials are geared for every level of musician, it’s perfect for equipping those who have the heart but don’t quite have the skill. There is a big difference between saying, “You’re not ready to play on the worship team” and “You’re not ready to play on the team yet, but here is a tool to help you develop.” Giving potential players a path to the team and a quality standard they need to meet is crucial to growing your band.
Fostering Leadership
We believe every member of the worship band is a worship leader, so we’re committed to growing those skills as well. The Worship Artistry Podcast and our Greenroom blog explore topics to help you lead well and to spark conversation with your team. The encouraging and supportive environment in our Facebook groups build musicians up rather than tearing them down. We're committed to supporting each other as we serve our congregations.
Learn more about Worship Artistry's story below.
So, is Worship Artistry the best online worship resource for you? You have to answer that question for yourself, but the best way to know is to give it a try. You can sign up for a risk-free trial or if you’ve got more questions, shoot us an email at support@worshipartistry.com and we’ll be happy to answer!